1. Reorganized-Chapters 1 and
2. The first two chapters have been significantly reworked for more effective coverage of the introduction to electronics and diodes. .New topics such as the Quantum model of the atom have been added. 2. GreenTech Applications-added after each of the first six chapters.This new feature appears after each of the first six chapters and introduces the application of electronics to solar energy and wind energy. .With recent significant efforts to create renewable, sustainable energy sources to offset and eventually replace fossil fuels, this feature familiarizes students with these relatively new technologies. .Coverage of "green" technology provides a starting point for those who may pursue a career in renewable energy field.
3. New Chapter-"Basic Programming Concepts for Automated Testing." .This totally new chapter by Gary Snyder covers the basics of programming used for the automated testing of electronic devices. .This chapter has been added to provide electronic technicians, particularly those working in certain environments such as production testing, with a fundamental grounding in automated testing that involves programming. .This chapter is intended to be used in conjunction with the traditional troubleshooting sections and can be introduced or omitted at the instructor's discretion.
4. More MultiSim Circuits-updated to newest versions. .Additional MultiSim circuit files have been added to this edition. All the files have been updated to versions 10 and 1 1.
5. New Format-for Section Objectives. .The new format more effectively reflects the topics covered and their hierarchy.
6. Updated coverage-of key topics.‧LED coverage has been expanded and updated to include more emphasis on high-intensity LEDs which are becoming widely used in many areas, such as residential lighting, automotive lighting, traffic signals, and informational signs. .New coverage of quantum dots. .More emphasis on MOSFETs, particularly in switching power supplies.
1. Sound foundation in basic circuits and concepts-and then coverage of analog integrated circuits.
2. History Notes, Tech Notes, and Safety Notes-appear in the text margins.
3. Application Activity feature-appears at the end of most chapters.
4. Programmable Analog Design feature-follows the Application Activity in Chapters 12-1
5. Circuit simulations, examples, and problem sets-give students experience with chapter concepts.
6. Strong coverage of troubleshooting and applications-appears throughout the text.
7. Coverage of advanced integrated circuits-includes operational amplifiers; instrumentation, isolation amplifiers; OTAs; log/antilog amplifiers; and converters.
8. Hundreds of full-color photographs, illustrations, and schematics-visually reinforce important chapter topics.
9. Over 160 worked examples followed by related problems-provide students with a strong learning framework. 10. Diversified problem sets in each chapter-include basic, advanced, troubleshooting, data sheet, and MultiSim troubleshooting problems. 1
1. More than 1400 exercises-and features are provided to reinforce concepts.1
2. Circuit-Action Quiz-appears at the end of most chapters.