
Principles of Economics (Custom Edition) 7/E

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Principles of Economics (Custom Edition) 7/E網友評鑑5顆星

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  • Principles of Economics (Custom Edition) 7/E

    如果您還想深入了解Principles of Economics (Custom Edition) 7/E

    內容簡介   1."In the News" boxes include excerpts from many newspaper articles and encourage students to apply basic economic theory to discover how economics can provide an illuminating new perspective and enable greater understanding of world events.

      2."FYI" boxes provide additional material to expand key concepts and discussions by offering a glimpse into the history of economic thought, clarifying technical issues, and exploring supplementary topics you might choose to complement your core lectures.

      3.Economic theory is most useful and interesting when applied to actual events and policies, which is why the text contains numerous Case Studies to vividly illustrate the real-world applications and consequences of key principles.

      4."Quick Quizzes" follow each major section to help students check their comprehension of what they just learned and to focus their review when preparing for exams.

      5.Each chapter contains a variety of problems and applications that encourage students to apply the material they have learned. These practical, interesting activities serve equally well as homework assignments and starting points for lively classroom discussions.


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